Available Items

Last updated: 2024/07/26

11Blood Pressure Monitor1Taoyuan Psychiatric Center Ministry of Health and Welfare
12Ultraviolet ray Sterilizing machine2Taoyuan Psychiatric Center Ministry of Health and Welfare
13Manipulators1Taoyuan Psychiatric Center Ministry of Health and Welfare
14Steel Vaginal Speculum30Guanxi health center
15Phototherapy Unit2Lo-Hsu Medical Foundation Lotung Poh-Ai Hospital
16Anesthesia System1Chi Mei Hospital
17Ultraviolet ray Sterilizing machine4Chi Mei Hospital
18Weight and Height Scalar10Chi Mei Hospital
19Ultraviolet ray Sterilizing Device1Chi Mei Hospital
20Weight and Height Scalar1Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
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  • Total 46 records, page 2 of total 5 pages.