Donated Mongolian beds

Donated Mongolian beds

In the cooperation with Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, the GMISS donated three 40-ft containers including 109 patient beds, 20 wheeled stretchers, and 15,000 pcs of medical masks to Khovd aimag, Mongolia. In May, 2018, Mr. Huang, Kuo-Jung, the representative of Taipei Trade and Economic Representative Office in Ulaanbaatar, donated the items on behalf of our government to Khovd aimag. The ceremony, which was held in one of the recipient hospitals, Bulgan soum hospital, was simple, yet esteemed, and witnessed by the recipient hospitals and the staff. The donation has been distributed by the government of Khovd aimag and Mr. Batnasan Otgoo, a member of the Parliament of Mongolia, to the new hospital in Bulgan soum and to other medical institutions in Khovd aimag.
Mr. Batnasan Otgoo stated that he was very grateful for our generous and compassionate contributions in improving Mongolia’s medical intuitions’ activities and capacities. He emphasized that with our faithful donations over the years, we have demonstrated our deep commitment to providing regular assistance to their health sector. In addition, our support has continuously played a key role in success of their health sector. Mr. Amgalanbadrakh Buyandalai, the governor of Bulgan soum, Khovd aimag, also very much appreciated the donation. He expressed that the beds have made their hospital even nicer and bought a lot of comfort. Besides, the staff have become more and more self-reliant and effective. The gift we gave was not a mere item, but a gift of inspiration to people.
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