Solomon Islands Expressed Gratitude for the Donations

GMISS work team proceeding related maintenance and helping to pack the microscope before shipping

The Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital (KMUH) has executed the Taiwan Health Center project in Solomon Islands for years. Early this year, the GMISS Program was contacted by the KMUH regarding a need for a teaching microscope for the National Referral Hospital in Solomon Islands. After investigating, GMISS had acquired a teaching microscope from the National Taiwan University Hospital and 1500 cassettes from a local supplier. In early May, the donation was packed into cartons with itemized lists attached and subsequently entrusted to the KMUH, to be delivered to Solomon Islands. In late June, the items were shipped by air freight and the donation was completed.

In August, the embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Solomon Islands held a ceremony for the donation. The Chief Executive officer of National Referral Hospital, Dr. Steve Aumanu, headed a delegation of officials to attend the ceremony and accepted the donation on behalf of the government. He expressed heart-felt gratitude for the donations to the Ministry of Health and Welfare and our embassy in Solomon Islands. He also stressed that what we done for years here that really benefit their people in terms of health.
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The embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) held a ceremony for the donation in Solomon Islands

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The staff in the National Referral Hospital use the microscope well