Donated medical equipment to Burundi

Donated medical equipment to Burundi

In theend of the last year(2023), GMISS cooperated with Good Neighbors Taiwan, to donate one 40-ft container toLa PolycliniqueUmugiraneza, a hospital in Burundi established by Fondation Bonne action –Umugiraneza. The donation materials include a delivery table,a low-back tractor,hospital beds, suction units, dressing tables, aradiation-protective lead shield, an autoclave, aninfrared heat lamp,carts, cribs,medical masksetc., to build capacity and improve the quality of hospital healthcare service.
In December 2024, Good NeighborsTaiwanshared good and gratifyingnews that the donated materials were in good use.
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Donated medical equipment to Burundi#2

Donated medical equipment to Burundi#3